Department Hospital


Our Services


The Department of Pathology plays a fundamental role in patient care, and impacts nearly all aspects of patient care, from diagnosing cancer to managing chronic diseases through accurate laboratory testing.

  • The hospital section of the department is located on 2nd floor of St. Mary’s block and the academic section is located on 2nd floor of the medical college block.
  • The department has a team of 16-member faculty, assisted by 11 technicians, 5 clerical staff, and 2 service staff. We have incorporated full-fledged infrastructural facilities, equipment’s and staff as per NMC regulation for annual intake of hundred students for MBBS course and provide in-service training to postgraduate resident trainees in pathology (annual intake of five trainees for a three-year course).
  • AIM: To provide state-of-the-art diagnostic pathology services while achieving excellence in pathology research among our faculty and students.
  • VISION: Committed to serve our patients, students, scientific research community, health care partners and society.
  • The Department of Pathology participates in the external quality assurance programmes on a regular basis, namely
  • CBC- Reticulocyte count and peripheral smear with AIMS, New Delhi.
  • Immunohistochemistry and cytology with TATA Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.
  • PT, APTT, Thrombin and fibrinogen assay with Christian Medical College, Vellore. 

Our Facilities

  • Provides the diagnostic services of Surgical Pathology, Cytology, Haematopathology and Clinical Pathology.
  • Annual turnover of over 10,000 histopathology specimens, more than two lakh hematology tests (including bone marrow aspiration and trephine biopsies) and more than 4000 cytology specimens (including FNACs).
  • Accept samples / slides / paraffin blocks for special tests & review as part of the referral facility and provide a second opinion on them. The department handles referral materials from hospitals in central and northern Kerala.
  • Equipped with an integrated software interface, to provide all the reports online.


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Dr. Savithri M C

TCMC 17299
Professor & HOD
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Dr. Deepti Ramakrishnan

TCMC 25769
Professor, Medical Superintendent & Vice Principal
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Dr. Lekha K Nair

TCMC 29241
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Dr. Usha Mary Abraham

TCMC 45895
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Dr. Divya S

TCMC 34570
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Dr. Sreeja Raju

TCMC 40784
Associate Professor
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Dr. C G Geetha

TCMC 42784
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Aniya Antony

TCMC 84807
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Sreya P B

TCMC 48222
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Jenice Joy

Senior Resident
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Dr. Taniya George

Senior Resident
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Dr. Biby Susan Abe

Senior Resident
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Dr. Nithin Paul E

Senior Resident

Dr. Vekariya Rutaben Gordhanbhai

TMC NO: 93217
Senior Resident

Our Services


    Equipped with latest instruments like Fully automated IHC/ISH System and Fully automatic tissue processors.


    1. Histopathological examination of small, medium and large biopsy specimens.

    2. Intraoperative Frozen Sections and Stereotactic biopsy done on cryostat machine.

    3. Decalcification and processing for bone biopsies.


    1. Wide range of Histochemistryspecial stains.

    2. Immunohistochemistry- Using a large panel of about 100 antibodies we are providing comprehensive immunohistochemistry to aid our histopathological diagnosis & providing therapeutic & prognostic significance for the patient management.

    3. Immunofluorescence – Diagnostic aid in renal and dermatological pathologies.

    • State-of-the-art facilities, many of which are first of its kind in Thrissur.
    • The line of latest instruments ranging from Fully automated coagulation analyzers to 7-part fully automated hematology analyzers and 12 color Flow cytometry analyzer.


    1. Complete Hemogram, Reticulocyte count done in automated blood cell counters.

    2. ESR, Sickling test, Absolute eosinophil count,Peripheral smear study.

    3. Coagulation studies like Prothrombin time (PT)/ Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), Fibrinogen, Mixing studiesall done in fully automated coagulation analyzers.

    4. Demonstration of LE cell and hemoparasites: Malarial Parasite, microfilaria.

    5. Rapid screening tests for Malaria and Dengue.


    1. Bone marrow aspiration/ trephine biopsy with cytochemistry.

    2. Osmotic fragility test.

    3. Flow cytometry - Used for diagnosis of Leukemia, enumeration of CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) as a reference point for undertaking apheresis and evaluation of adequacy for peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) engraftment, CD 19/20 count and CD4/CD8 enumeration.

    • Placed under the umbrella of the haematology lab
    • Equipped with latest instruments like Fully automated urine chemistry analyzerswith fully automated urine particles digital imaging device.


    1. Urine routine/microscopy.

    2. Urine RBC cytology, eosinophils, BJP, hemosiderin.

    3. Stool, occult blood, fat, pH, reducing sugar.

    4. Semen analysis.

    5. Body fluids-cell count, crystals.

    • Studies and diagnoses diseases on the cellular level.
    • Dedicated team of pathologists and cytotechnologists, helps in diagnosisfor material obtained by fine needle aspiration and exfoliation.
    • The cytocentrifuge, is an important tool in observing the cerebrospinal fluid in leukemia / lymphoma patients.
    • Faculty assists in ROSE for EUS (Endoscopic Ultrasound), EBUS (Endobronchial Ultrasound) and Sonology guided FNAC (Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology).


    1. FNAC.

    2. Exfoliative cytology (conventional and liquid based cytology) including PAP smears, body fluids, sputum, bladder and bronchial brushings.

    3. Cell block preparations for fluids and aspirates.