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Sreeja Raju, M. C. Savithri, Maymol P Varghese ; Metastatic Breast Carcinoma to the Uterine Cervix – An Unusual Presentation; Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Vol. 8, Issue 2, February, 2021
Amritha Radhakrishnan Nair, Changaramkumarath Gichin, Deepa Pramod Raj Santhi, Moothiringode Chithrabhanu Savithri, A Case Report on Idiopathic-Multi-centric Castleman’s Disease Associated POEMS- Syndrome, International Journal of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research. Volume 7, Issue 1, March 2022 , pp. 14-16. doi: 10.11648/j.ijcocr.20220701.13