Rennis KD, Bibin J, Thomas V, Krishnakumar EV. Comparison of diagnostic yield and complications of bronchoscopy, closed pleural biopsy and medical thoracoscopic pleural biopsies in undiagnosed pleural effusions. Int J Res Med Sci 2017; 5:388:-93.
Rennis DK, Krishnakumar EV, Sankarapotti N. Diagnostic yield of conventional transbronchiol needle aspiration in suspected bronchogenic carcinoma without intraluminal growth on branchoscopy. Int J Res Med. Sci 2017; 5: 1270-4
Rennis KD, AnazM, Krishnakumar EV, Thomas V, Robert AP. Role of chest ultrasonography in the prognostic evaluation of patients with community acquired pneumonia: a prospective study. Int J res Med Sci 2017; 5(1)
Rennis DK, Krishnakumar EV. Role of Initial arterial blood gas variations in predicting the outcome of pneumonia patients with type 1/II respiratory failure. Int J Adv Med 2016; 3:313-8.
Suseela KV, Rennis D, Patil S, Alex A. Bacterial profile and antibiotic susceptibility in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with acute exacerbation: A cross sectional study in a tertiary care hospital. Indian J Microbiol Res 2016;3(3):317-321.
Theresa Scaria, Sreeja Raju, Rennis Davis, Anil Jose Thazhath. An analysis of genetic mutations in lung adenocarcinoma and their relationships to demographic patterns and histopathological features. Pulmon Vol 22, issue 2, May-August 2020
Rennis DK, Nileena N. Environmental allergens in Idiopathic Interstitial Lung Disease: Role of skin prick tests- Pulmon. Vol 20, Issue 3, Sep-Dec 2018:57-67.
Rennis DK, Abhay AS, Anaz M. Medical Thoracoscopy: Diagnostic utility in a tertiary care setting in South India. Pulmon. Vol 20, Issue 1, Jan-Apr 2018:18-23.
Rennis DK, Binila J. A Retrospective study on the major endobronchial features and type of lung cancer incidence in a tertiary care hospital. Pulmon. Vol 19, Issue 3, Sep-Dec 2017:100-103.
Janso Kollanur, Bhavadasan, Rennis Davis, A.S. Abhay, M.C. Savthri. An uncommon presentation of a very common Disease – The ultimate Masquaerader. Pulmon. Vol 19, Issue I, January – April 2017: 35-39.
Easwaramangalath Venugopal Krishnakumar, Muhammed Anas, Davis Kizakkepeedika Rennis, Vadakken Devasy Thomas, Babu Vinod – Efficacy of drainage of pleural effusion using small bore pleural catheter and conventional throacostomy using large bore chest tube
Vadakkan Devassy Thomas, Binila Jose, Davis Kizhakkepeedika Rennis. Prevalence of the type and etiology of lung cancer among patients who presented to a tertiary care hospital at central Kerala: A descriptive study. International Journal of Research i
Domini Dixy, Mannarathu Mary, Anas Muhammed, Davis Rennis – Effectiveness of breathing exercises in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases – Indian Journal of respiratory care 2015, Vol 4, 561 – 4.
Jayakrishnan Kolady, Rennis Davis, Rupesh George, Biju Jacob – Successful thrombolytic therapy for massive pulmonary embolism following abdominoplasty - Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery 2013, Vol 46, Issue 3, Page 600 -601
S. Johnson, A. Shenoy, R Davis - Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in acute respiratory failure : A study of clinical outcome – Journal of respiratory care 2007, 127.
Jai Krishan, Rennis Davis, Kiranjeet Kaur, Neelam Varma – A study of Role of serotonin and its metabolites causing joint pains/ shoulder hand syndrome in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis taking isoniazid containing regimens - chest Oct 2003, Vol.
K. Rennis Davis, D. Thomas Vadakkan, E.V. Krishnakumar, A. Muhammed Anas. Serial bronchoscopic lung lavage in pulmonary alveolar proteinosis under local anesthesia. Lung India .Vol 32. Issue 2. Mar – Apr 2015. Pages 162 – 164
Jiss Ann Francis, NA Arun, Rennis Davis, TA Ajith ; Analysis of red cell distribution width in patients presented with interstitial lung disease Pulmon Vol 23 issue, Jan-Apr 2021.