Department Hospital


Our Services


Department of Radio diagnosis and imaging AMALA IMS, is enriched with most premium models of modern equipment in various modalities. Round the clock services are provided to the patients for routine investigations. Majority of the equipment of various modalities are located in the basement floor of ST.Mary’s block-2 of the Hospital

Our Facilities

  • X-rays
  • Ultrasound
  • Doppler Studies
  • CT scans{128 clice CT}
  • Linac CT
  • Ultrasonography
  • Mammography
  • MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging){1.5 T HD-28 MRI}
  • Barium Studies
  • IVU(Intravenous urography)
  • MCU(micturating cysto-urethrogram)
  • HSG(Hysterosalpingography)
  • Sialogram
  • Fistulogram
  • PET - CT


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Dr. Robert P Ambooken

Professor & HOD
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Dr. Tony Joseph K

Assistant Professor
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Dr. Indu Jacob

Assistant Professor
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Dr. Jijo Joseph

Associate Professor
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Dr. Anstin Jose

Assistant Professor
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Dr. Jake Sebastian

Senior Resident
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Dr. Salini . S

Senior Resident
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Dr. Minnu Prabhulakumar

Senior Resident
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Dr. Theertha K C

Senior Resident
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Dr. Aswathy Premkumar

Senior Resident

Our Services

  • Postgraduation/ MD in Radiodiagnosis

    MD - Radiodiagnosis was started in June 2012. Clinical training, lecture classes and seminars are conducted regularly as per the NMC norms.

  • Classes for MBBS students

    Clinical training and lectures are conducted to MBBS students in Radio Diagnosis department regularly.

  • Diploma courses

    Three year diploma in Radiography and Radiotherapy Technology (DRRT), recognized by Govt. of Kerala, conducted by the Directorate of Medical Education (2018 onward).

  • PACS

    The Hospital Information System is connected to PACS of Radiodiagnosis Department, to facilitate clinicians and to enhance thesis and research works.

  • Other important Diagnostic Technique

    Interventional procedures like USG / CT guided FNAC, biopsy, abscess drainage, pleural fluid / ascites aspiration, catheter placement etc. are also done.