Faculty Profile

Dr. V T Krishna Das Menon

Associate Professor
  • Qualification
    Calcutta Medical College - 1990

    Community Medicine from Govt.Medical College, Calicut - 2003

  • Experience
    • Assistant Professor - Amala Insitute of Medical Sciences,Thrissur - 2011 Onwards
    • Surveillance Medical Officer - World Health Organisation - 2003-2010
    • TB Medical Officer - Pariyaram Medical College - 2002-2003
  • Publications
    • Babita SK KRISHNADAS VT SAJU CR VIDHU J CATHERINE N Prevalence of cancers from a hospital based cancer registry in a tertiary care hospital in South India International journal of scientific research and education vol3 issue 11 pages 4638-4640
    • V T Krishnadas SK Babita CR Saju, Morbidiity status health seeking behavior and addictions among migrant workers in Kerala
    • Menon VTK ,Rachel J Saju CR ,Rafi MM , Joshy VM a study on mosquito density inKerala before and after floods International Journal of Community Medicine and Public health 2019 , 6 xxx-xx
    • V. T. Krishnadas Menon, Jenyz M., Kerline P. J., Vidhu J. and C. R. Saju. Study of morbidities in a flood relief camp: observations from Kerala .2018. .Ejpmr, 2018,5(11), 443-445.
    • V.T.Krishnadas, S.K.Babita and C.R.Saju. Morbidity Status, Health Seeking Behaviour and Addictions among Migrant Workers in Kerala, India International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review ISSN: 2347-3215 Volume 6 Number 2 (February-2018)
    • Menon K, George TJ, Mv S. Increasing Indications of Treatment with Vitamin D, The Magic Hormone of Present Time. Orthopedics and Rheumatology Open Access Journals. 2019;14(2):40–2.
    • Published a book on Covid 19, titled ‘ CORONA, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow’ published by notionpress.com .