Faculty Profile

Dr. John George T

  • Qualification
    Govt.Medical College ,Alappuzha - 1982

    Community Medicine from Govt.Medical College, Thiruvanathapuram - 1991

  • Experience
    • Professor - Amala Institute of Medical Scinces ,Thrissur - 2020 Onwards
    • Associate Professor - Amala Institute of Medical Sciences,Thrissur - 2010-2020
    • Assistant Professor - Amala Institute of Medical Sciences,Thrissur - 2005-2010
  • Awards / Achievements
    • State award-Lok seva Puraskar for Health,Arts,LITERATURE - Kerala Vikasana Vedhi - 1994
    • State AWARD for best Doctor Thusharam Award - Thushaaram Social Cultural Sangham,Trivandrum - 2015
    • IMA Award for State Conf:2016 - IMA - 2016
  • Publications
    • Jubina Bency A.T, John George, Navya C.J, Saju C.R. A Study onK,A & P ON CHILD Rearing among parents having children with Intellectual disabilities in Thrissur District,Kerala. Int.Jrl.of Current Advanced Research 2017:6(!).1886-1890;
    • Ibrahim N.M,George T.J et al.Adescriptive study on use of soc: networking websites&physical health of users among college students in Thrissur Dt.Kerala. Int.Jrl.of CM&PH2018:5(7);2939-43
    • JoeAbraham,,John George T et al. Study on occupational stress among civil police officers of a subdivision of Thrissur Dt. Int J Med Sci Public Health 2019; 8(12) 1005-09
    • John George .T,Tessa Jose et al Across sectional study on assessment of empathy among MBBS Students in a med: college In Kerala. Indian J Prev Med.2020; 8(1) 15-19
    • Rachel J, Jose N, Jenyz M, George J, Mp J. A Study on the Impact of Information Education Communication Activities under RNTCP through Patient Perspective in Thrissur District, Kerala. 2021 Nov 16;