Faculty Profile

Dr. Sindu P C

  • Qualification
    Govt.Medical College,Calicut - 1996

    Biochemistry from Govt.Medical College,Calicut - 2004

  • Experience
    • Professor - Amala institute of Medical Sciences,Thrissur - 2016 Onwards
    • Associate Professor - Amala Institute of Medical Sciences,Thrissur - 2010-2016
    • Assistant Professor - Amala Institute of Medical Sciences,Thrissur - 2005-2010
    • Resident - Govt.Medical College,Calicut - 2001-2004
    • Lecturer - Govt.Medical College,Thrissur - 2001
  • Publications
    • Saritha Francis, Sindu P C, Jose Jacob. Fasting Insulin is Better Partitioned according to Family History of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus than Post Glucose Load Insulin of Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Young Adults. www.jcdr.net Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 May, Vol-11(5): BC13-BC16
    • Indu Elizabeth Johnson, Nesheera KK, Sindu PC and Jose Jacob Fasting prolactin correlates negatively with fasting glucose in presence and absence of stastical outliers of distribution .Amala Research bulletin 2016 vol 35 75 -83
    • Dr.SinduPC. Role of second trimester maternal serum markers as predictors of pre eclampsiaIJMAS 2013;2:238-244
    • Dr.Sindu.PC High sensitivity C Reactive protein an inflammatory marker and lipoprotein levels in patients with coronary heart disease.IJMRR.2016 ;4: Issue3 444-449
    • Serum markers of Iron metabolism in individuals with diabetes mellitus from a population with high prevalence of anemia. Journal of Research in Medical and Dental sciences 2016; 4: Issue2 April 2016 97-100
    • Dr.Sindu.PC, ,Dr.AnilJose Dr.JoseJacob Homocysteine in cancer patients and its correlation with Vitamin B12 and Folic acid. IOSR JDMS2016;15:Issue6 88 -91
    • Dr.Sindu.PC, ,Dr.AnilJose Dr.JoseJacob Homocysteine in cancer patients and its correlation with Vitamin B12 and Folic acid. IOSR JDMS2016;15:Issue6 88 -91
    • Dr.SinduPC, A study on association of oxidative stress in Diabetes mellitus on C reactive protein levels IOSR JDMS2016;15:Issue4 28 -32
    • Dr.SinduPC. Role of second trimester maternal serum markers as predictors of pre eclampsiaIJMAS 2013;2:238-244
    • Saritha Francis ,SinduPC KK Nasheera Jose Jacob Fasting C peptide correlated with fasting insulin and post load glucose C peptide in young adults but the Cpeptides could not be partitioned into groups with and without family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus. International journal of contemporary Medical research ;4 (2) 467 -469
    • Nasheera KK,Sindu.P.C Jose Jacob Clinical evaluation of gender differences in the relationships of erythropoietin with hemoglobin,iron,ferritin in presence and absence of anemia in healthy young adults International journal of contemporary Medical research ;4 (8) 1788 -1795