Urology is the surgical specialty that focuses on the male and female urinary tract and on the reproductive system of males. The Department of Urology at Amala IMS is fully equipped with ultramodern infrastructure and highly skilled bunch of Urologists capable of the diagnosis and treatment of genitourinary problems and kidney related issues. The experts offer solutions to all kinds of Urological problems including erectile dysfunction, penis enlargement, impotency, egg-freezing, and so on.
- Standard /Mini PCNL equipment by [Karl-storz/WOLFE]
- Flexible Ureteroscopy [Karl-storz]
- Portable C-arm machine [Siemens]
- Resectoscope [26F/22F][ [Karl-storz]
- Laser 20 watts machine [Lumenis]
- USG,CT,MRI,PET CT scan,Nuclear Renography
At Amala we use a technique called PCNL to remove stone from the Kidney or upper ureter. It is the minimal invasive procedure with high cure rate which is comparatively cheap with high cure rate .
This technology is used to fragment the urinary stones into very small size which usually passes during urination
Ureteric stone cause server pain and obstruction to kidney and this cases are managed by URS and stone Lithotripsy.In this technic special endoscopy called urethroscope is passed through urethra and hence no insertion is required
Cystoscopy is an important tool in the field of diagnosis and it is a procedure that helps doctors to diagnose various bladder pathologies
Trans Urethral resection of prostate is surgery that helps treat prostate enlargement[ BPH].This is a very common dieses causing urinary obstruction in elderly males.
TURBT is the endoscopic method of removal of bladder tumor and guides in further management of bladder cancer.
The urology unit is fully equipped for all open surgeries and laparoscopy procedures.
Prostate biopsy to rule out prostate cancer is done under ultrasound guidance by which sensitivity o f detection is better than finger guided methods
The facilities are available on all working days except Tuesdays
Sundays and public holidays, from 9am-4 pm. This service is provided by a team of 3 dedicated urologists. Patient centered service is the goal of our outpatient facility. We provide timely and structured treatment for each patient attending our OP.
We have IP facility managed by efficient nursing staffs, who are trained Working together, our doctors & nursing staff provide holistic treatment to individual patients
facilities for PCNL, laser lithotripsy, Ureterorenoscopy(URS), Cystoscopy, . Trans Urethral resection of prostate[TURP ]trans urethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT),] ,all open surgeries
Evening op booking 04872304170
- Panicker Thomas Bipin, Jose Binu. Clinico-pathological features of incidentally detected and symptomatic renal cell carcinomas. Archieves of Clinical Experimental Surgery| January 2017| Vol 6| Issue 1| Pages: 28-32 | p-ISSN 2146-8133.
- John Neil, Jose Binu. Metabolic abnormalities and genitourinary tract anatomical alternations in patients with recurrent urolithiasis. Archieves of Clinical Experimental Surgery| Januar 2017| Vol 6| Issue 2| Pages: 81-85 | p-ISSN 2146-8133.
- Deepti Ramakrishnan, Gayathri G Nair, Binu Jose. Leiomyoma of Urethra: A Common Tumour in an Uncommon Location. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences | March 2020| Vol 19| Issue 3| Pages: 17-19| p-ISSN 2279 - 0853.
- TharakkalRA,GopalakrishnanMP,CardozaFS.AComparativeStudyof Complications and MorbiditybetweenPercutaneousNephrolithotomyandLaparoscopicPyelolithotomyforRenalPelvicCalculus.UrolAnn2021;13:56-61.
- RamlalRV,MidhunPGopalakrishnan.RoleofLowEducationandSocioeconomic Status as a CauseinLocallyAdvancedBreastCarcinoma–ATertiaryCareCentreExperience.NewIndianJournalofSurgery.Oct–Dec2017;Vol8(4):510-515
- MidhunPGopalakrishnan,RavindranChirukandath,AjithKumarK.SurgicalPresentationsinHIVPatientsonAntiRetroviralTherapy–ASingleInstitutionExperience.NewIndianJournalofSurgery.Jan–Mar2017;Vol8(1):49-53