This department consisting of 2 doctors, provides inpatient, outpatient as well as home care for patients who live in a 5 Kilometer radius of the hospital. Nurses are trained in providing advanced symptom relief for patients. The department gets the support of social work department and also helped by a group of trained volunteers who provide support to patients. The goal of the department is to provide holistic care for patients with cancer predominantly. Inpatient care is provided in the ward with 24 beds, shared with the Radiation Oncology Department. Besides inpatient care, this department also provides specialist advice for patients admitted under other specialities. Depending on their needs, the patients are shifted to the ward or they are managed on other wards.
from Monday to Saturday.
6 Bedded general ward, private hospital rooms
Abhayam palliative care providing free medical treatment to cancer patients [rupees 1500 free medicines per patient per day]
Private hospital room including deluxe and normal rooms.
Daily doctor rounds morning and evening for patient monitoring.
within a 5 km radius of the hospital weekly.
Trained nurses in cancer care.
Spiritual counsellors providing psychosocial counselling.
Social workers aid the patient family.
Portable syringe driver for continuous s/c administration of drugs.
Emergency admission services 24 hrs linked with the emergency department.
Cross-consultation facility with all speciality and super speciality departments.
Interventional pain clinic providing nerve blocks linked with the anaesthesia department.
In needed cases.
covered under medisep[ Kerala govt], and most of the private insurance providers
Provides free medical treatment to cancer patients [Rupees 1500 free medicines per patient, per day], 6-bedded general ward
Pharmacy is equipped with a range of opioid drug from Codeine, Buprenorphine, Morphine and Fentanyl as well as drugs such as Midazolam, which is widely used internationally in palliative care settings
- John RL. Scrotal centesis: due to Anasarca in an end-stage Pancreatic cancer patient. Indian J Palliative Care. 119.2022.