The department of Emergency Medicine started as a 20 bedded facility in 2018. The Department has undergone multiple upgrades, including a recent extension and face-lift and currently has a 30 bedded modern hospital-within-hospital facility, fully equipped to cater for patients presenting with various medical and surgical emergencies, including Trauma Care. The Operating Room, Intensive Care Unit and a Labour Complex attached to the Department further helps in providing wholesome, high quality emergent care and aids in the management of critically ill patients. The department functions 24 hours a day, on all days (including weekends and public holidays). The highly trained team includes Emergency Physicians, Post- Graduate Residents, Junior Residents and nursing staff on duty round the clock.
- State of the art monitoring facilities for all beds, which enables invasive and non-invasive BP Monitoring, ECG and SpO2 Monitoring
- Dialysis port for emergency Hemodialysis and SLED
- Defibrillator with transcutaneous pacing facility
- End Tidal Carbon Dioxide Monitoring
- Point of Care Ultrasonography
- CPR Feedback Device to ensure CPR quality
- Video Laryngoscopy
Our department comprises of a Triage area, a resuscitation bay for critically ill patients, a trauma bay, medical bay, procedure/plaster, major and minor OT, Ophthalmology/ENT dorm and Labour room. The Department is centrally air conditioned with segregations for isolation rooms which have negative pressure ventilation
- State of the art ambulance bay and pre-hospital care
- POCUS (point of care ultrasound) – for rapid bedside diagnosis of acute conditions and aids in provision of early appropriate management.
- Dialysis port with 24-hour access to emergency hemodialysis
- Largest point of care facility in the hospital which includes CBC, blood gas analysis, RFT, LFT, Uric Acid, D-Dimer, Troponin I, BNP and lipid profile. This greatly helps expedite provision of appropriate care to patients.
- All ED beds, including triage beds equipped with cardiac monitoring facility and oxygen ports.
- Trained doctors and staff capable of providing adult and pediatric advanced life support.
- Advanced airway management, including surgical airway – both adult and pediatric
- Invasive and non-invasive ventilation
- Tube thoracostomy
- Central and peripheral venous access
- Acute stroke care including thrombolysis
- Cardiac care – including management of arrhythmias, transcutaneous pacing, and 24 hour access to cath lab for patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction. We also provide thrombolysis facilities for acute myocardial infarction.
- Access to a well equipped blood bank enabling management of traumatic and non- traumatic hemorrhagic shock, and also provision of massive transfusion
Doctors and staff trained in provision of acute trauma and critical care
Our Department has a post-graduate training program in Emergency Medicine with an annual intake of 2 trainees. We have a dedicated skills lab, seminar hall and a department library stocked with recent journals and textbooks that help keep the Residents updated on their academics.
CME Details | Date of Conduct |
Name : Thrissur EM club Theme/Subject : ATLS overview - Recent advances, A case of calcium channel blocker toxicity Credit Hours : 3 hrs |
2023 |
Name : Thrissur EM club Theme/Subject : Case discussion spontaneous lung collapse, Methaemoglobinemia – measures and diagnosis Credit Hours : 3 hrs |
2022 |
Name : Thrissur EM club Theme/Subject : Recent diagnostic modality in Infective endocarditis/ Case discussion - paraquet poisoning Credit Hours : 3 hrs |
2021 |
Name : INSPIRE'EM : International Health Theme/Subject : Out-of-hospital Emergency Medicine |
2019 |
Name : EM Pulse : National Level Emergency Medicine Conference Theme/Subject : Core Emergency Medicine Credit Hours : 6 CME credit hours |
2019 |
Name : Trauma Workshop Theme/Subject : Emergency Trauma Care. Credit Hours : 1 hour CME credit hour |
2019 |
Name : Cardiac workshop Theme/Subject : Cardiac Resuscitation Credit Hours : 1.5 hours CME credit hours |
2019 |
- Maprani JJ, Xavier BKP, Nedungalaparambil NM, et al. Sensitivity of point of care ultrasound in blunt trauma abdomen and thorax at a tertiary care center in northern Kerala. J Evid Based Med Healthc 2020; 7(46), 2680-2684.
- Menon NN, Kumar R, Kumar P, Gupta PP, Ng V, Noguiná EK, et al. Evaluating the effectiveness of cardiac arrest resuscitation short course (CARS) for rural physicians of Asia: The Rural Emergency Care Training for Physicians (RECTIFY) project. J Family Med Prim Care 2020;9:6201-8.
- Balasubramanian R, Maprani JJ, Paulson S, Suresh G, Ayyan SM, Vimal Rohan K. Outcome of early emergency intubation and early emergency dialysis in deliberate self-harm with formic acid in a tertiary care center in South India: A retrospective cohort study. Turk J Emerg Med 2024;24:111-6.
- John F, Basavaraju B. Comparison of MEWS, REMS and RAPS for Predicting Outcomesof Non-Surgical Patients in Emergency Room. Indian Journal of Emergency Medicine (2018);4(4):269-275
- John F, M. Varkey. Evaluation of blood donor deferral causes in a tertiary hospital, SouthIndia. International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research 6 (2015): 253- 258.
- John F, Varkey MR. Selective arterial embolization in hepatic trauma. Int J Case RepImages (2014);5(10):712–716
- Aliena, Sharon P.; Lini, Chacko; Chirayath, John J.. Comparison of postoperative analgesic effect of caudal bupivacaine with and without ketamine in Pediatric subumbilical surgeries. Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology 34(3):p 324-327, Jul–Sep 2018. | DOI: 10.4103/joacp.JOACP_60_17
- Thomas D, Chacko L, Raphael PO. Dexmedetomidine nebulisation attenuates post-operative sore throat in patients undergoing thyroidectomy: A randomised, double-blind, comparative study with nebulised ketamine. Indian J Anaesth. 2020 Oct;64(10):863-868. doi: 10.4103/ija.IJA_406_20. Epub 2020 Oct 1. PMID: 33437074; PMCID: PMC7791420. Format:
- R Surendar, Rose Mary Joseph, Ajai Rangasamy, SK Mathavan, Pulmonary embolism - A forgotten differential diagnosis for abdominal pain,Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 29,2022,101407,ISSN 2405-4690,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visj.2022.101407.
- Shirshendu Dhar, Sasikumar Mahalingam, Balamurugan Nathan, Rose Mary Joseph, Konuri Bhargavram, Fleck sign of foot – A forgotten sign of Lisfranc injury,Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine,Volume 27,2022,101371, ISSN 2405-4690,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visj.2022.101371.
- Sheetal, S., Antony kalliath . "The utility of 'heart sign' on neuroimaging in acute-onset quadriparesis: A series of three cases." Apollo Medicine, vol. 18, no. 3, July-Sept. 2021, p. 212. Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A676878123/HRCA?u=anon~b33a971e&sid=googleScholar&xid=35eb4e26. Accessed 1 Nov. 2023.