Jomon C Raphael, Mathew K Varghese, Paul G Gopu, K Venkatesan, AD Jimson, Antony Febin. Effectiveness of abdominal compression in reducing internal target motion during conformal radiotherapy for carcinoma stomach – A pilot study- Indian J Cancer 2018 | Volume : 55 | Issue : 3|Page : 226-229.
K.Venkatesan, C.J.Raphael, K.M.Varghese, P. Gopu, S.Sivakumar, M.Boban, N.A.N. Raj, K.Senthilnathan, P.Ramesh Babu; Int. J. Radiat. Res., July 2020 18(3:557-569) Volume and dosimetric analysis of rectum and bladder for prostatic carcinoma patients by using kilo voltage cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)
Chalissery JR, Jose TA, Pillai S, Unni H, Varghese KM, Gopu GP, Venkatesan K. Clinical impact of adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation for carcinoma stomach: Experience from a tertiary care center. J Cancer Res Ther. 2020 Dec;16 (Supplement): S122-S127.
Mathew Varghese K, Geeta S. Narayanan, Bhaskar Vishwanathan, Shashidhar V. Karpurmath, Soumya Narayanan. Comparison of altered fractionation schedule with concurrent chemo-radiation for squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences| August2020| Vol 8| Issue 8| Pages: 2834-2838| pISSN2320-6071.
Varghese Mathew K, Raphael Jomon C, Antony Febin, Mohan Malini, Gopu Paul. Efficacy of vaginal dilator use in preventing vaginal stenosis among cervical and endometrial cancer patients underwent radiotherapy. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences| April 2021| Vol 9| Issue 4| Pages: 1034-1042| pISSN 2320-6071.