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S.Thrudeep,G.Rajesh.T.G Jayakumar, G.Geofi, G.Rupesh, S.Gagan, S.Abdulkhadar inical and angiographic profile of pediatric patients with aute ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction Original Article accepted in International journal of cardiovascular research July 13,2016
S Thrudeep , T.G Jayakumar,G.Rajesh, G.Rupesh, G.Geofi, S Gagan, S. Abdhulkhadar Impact of Tenectaplase in intermediate and high risk pulmonary embolism OriginalArticlepublished(online since june 2016)In International Jounal Of Advances In Medicine August 2016.
Sharma Gagan,T.G.Jayakumar,Said mohammed Abdul Khadar,G.Rajesh,G.Rupesh,G.GeofiS.Thrudeep,Nihas.Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy The Broken Heart Syndrome,An Indian Perspective, Original article,Accepted in journal of cardiovascular Disease Research July 2016.
SharmaGagan,T.G.Jayakumar,G.Rupesh,G.Rajesh,P.Nihas.G.Geofi, S.Thrudeep,Said Mohammed Abdul Khadar.Significance of Fragmented QRS Complex in Acute Coronary Syndrome And Its Correlation With Coronary Angioplasty To Identify The Culprit Vessel Original Article Accepted in International journal of scientific study(IJSS)July 2016.
S.Thrudeep,S.Gagan,G.Rupesh,G.Rajesh,G.Geofi,T.G.Jayakumar,S.Abdulkhadar,A rare association of contriatriatum in case of acute pulmonary embolism,Kerala Heart Journal 2014; Volume 4,40-42
S.Thrudeep,G.Geofi,G.Rajesh,S.Abdul Khader Multiple Giant Coronary Aneurysm and Coronary Arterio Venous FistulaCase Report in Kerala Heart Journal(under review).