A sedentary lifestyle or poor eating patterns predispose a woman to various health problems. This package is structured such that it investigates women for most common illnesses such as Thyroid Imbalance and Anaemia.
- Fasting and PP Blood Sugar
- Lipid Profile ( Total Cholesterol/HDL Cholesterol/LDL Cholesterol/Triglycerides/HDL Ratio)
- Complete Blood Count (Haemoglobin/PCV/RBC/MCHC/MCV/MCH/Total WBC/Differential count/ Platelet Count/ESR)
- Kidney Assessment ( RFT)
- Liver Profile (LFT)
- Thyroid Function test (TFT)
- Urine: Routine and Microscopy
- Chest X-ray
- Ultrasound of abdomen
- Pap Smear
- CA125
- Mammogram
- Physician Consultation
- Gynaecology Consultation