Department Hospital


Our Services


The Department for Orthopaedics at AMALA IMS deals with all sorts of muscle, bone and joint disorders. Our Orthopaedists are doyens in arthritis, physical medicine, spine surgery, Orthopaedic Oncology, joint replacement and so on. The department focuses not only on immediate relief, but also on permanent cure.

With over three decades of experience, this department has established itself as a pioneer in orthopaedic oncology in Kerala The department's commitment to excellence is evident in its growth over the years, with the addition of subspecialties such as trauma, sports medicine, arthroplasty, spine surgery, and pediatric orthopaedics. This is a department that takes training seriously, with undergraduate training initiated in 2003 and postgraduate training started in 2013.

Our Facilities

  • Stainless Steel Theatre with Laminar Airflow
  • Arthroscopy Unit
  • Knail
  • Periosteal Elevator, Osteotome, Chisel
  • K wire, Ilizarov Wires (olive, wire, ring)
  • External fixator (full set)
  • Hemiarthroplasy-surgery
  • Bone cement antibiotics, plain
  • ACL-surgery
  • Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgery
  • Spine Fixation Surgery
  • Cervical Spine Surgery
  • PFN Surgery
  • ILN Femur, Tibia, Humerus Surgery
  • Cyrus Nailing Surgery
  • ORIF (Tibia,Femur, Fibula,Radius, Ulna,Humerus,DER)
  • Ortho Microscope-Zeiss
  • OT Light-Steris
  • LCD Monitor-Storz
  • Scope 30-Storz
  • Arthroscopic shaver- Smith & Nephew
  • Irrigation Pump- Stryker Hermes Ready
  • Ablator- Sportz Med
  • C-Arm- - ZIEHM BET Medicals Germany
  • Power Drill Machine- Man-man
  • Tourniquet Diamond - Electronic tourniquett microcontroller tourniquet
  • Battery Drill- Manman
  • Operating Microscope- Carl ZEISS Germany
  • Power Drills - Manman
  • Arthroscopy Instruments - STRYKER/ KARL STORZ


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Dr. Jose Francis C

TCMC 12124
Professor & HOD
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Dr. Sudheer U

TCMC 30273
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Dr. Kishore P

TCMC 32114
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Dr. Dijoe Davis

TCMC 37179
Associate Professor
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Dr. Ajith John K

TCMC 56419
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Tony Jose

TCMC 54889
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Syam Mohan

Senior Resident
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Dr. Scott Chacko John

Senior Resident

Dr. Nirmal Immanuel Rajan

TMC No: 99084
Senior Resident

Our Services

  • Trauma Care

    24x7 casualty service and comprehensive poly trauma care are imparted by specialists from Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery, General Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Plastic Surgery and Anaesthesia. Interlocking nailing for femur, tibia, humerus, using appropriate system like Sirus, AO, GK, PFN, Gamma, dynamic compression plating of various bones, DHS fixation for femoral neck fractures, hemiarthroplasty using AM prosthesis, Thomson prosthesis or Bipolar prosthesis (cemented or uncemented), mini fragment (2.5 and 1.5) system for fixation of small bones of hand and feet, Jess fixature system – fixation, management with Ilizaravo ring fixature, spinal and pelvic fracture fixation,management of compound fractures with external fixation system, closed reduction of fractures and dislocation are the procedures conducted.

  • Paediatric Orthopaedics

    Amala Orthopaedics Centre's Paediatric Orthopaedics Unit provides a comprehensive range of facilities for the management of various orthopaedic conditions in children. One of the core services provided by the unit is conservative correction by serial plastering for deformities such as clubfoot and clubhand. This approach involves using a series of casts or splints to gradually correct the deformity over time.

    In addition to this, the unit also offers surgical correction of congenital deformities, which involves correcting any structural abnormalities present from birth through surgical procedures. This includes limb lengthening, which is a surgical procedure that aims to increase the length of a limb. The unit also provides both conservative and surgical correction of congenital dislocation of hip and knee, which are conditions where the hip or knee joint is not in the correct position.

    The unit also specializes in the management of cerebral palsy and post-polio paralysis. Cerebral palsy is a group of neurological disorders that affect movement and posture, and the unit provides various treatments to improve these conditions. Post-polio paralysis is a condition that affects individuals who have had polio in the past and can cause muscle weakness or paralysis. The unit provides treatments to manage and alleviate symptoms associated with these conditions.

    Overall, Amala Orthopaedics Centre's Paediatric Orthopaedics Unit provides a comprehensive range of services for the management of various orthopaedic conditions in children, with a focus on conservative and surgical correction of deformities, limb lengthening, and management of cerebral palsy and post-polio paralysi·

  • Orthopaedic Oncology

    The Department of Orthopaedics at Amala Institute of Medical Sciences is renowned for its groundbreaking work in orthopaedic oncology. In 1988, under the guidance of Dr. Dominic K Puthur, the department established itself as a leader in this field in Kerala. Along with Dr. K C Gopalakrishnan, they are revered as the pioneers of Orthopaedic oncology in the state. The department offers a comprehensive approach to bone cancer care, with the support of medical oncology and radiation oncology. What's more, Amala provides this 360-degree care at an affordable rate. The department is undertaking numerous procedures, including CT-guided biopsy, minimally invasive tumor surgery like microwave ablation of bone tumors, extended curettage and cementing, rotationplasty, reconstruction with ulnar translocation, and tumor excision and reconstruction with modular megaprosthesis. The department's dedication to innovative and effective treatments in orthopaedic oncology makes it the go-to destination for patients seeking world-class care

  • Joint reconstruction:

    Total hip replacement, total knee replacement and shoulder and elbow replacement are done with absolute precision

  • Spine Surgery

    Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS), Microscopic Spine Surgery for Disc Prolapse and Lumbar Canal Stenosis, Balloon Kyphoplasty for Osteoporotic Spine Fracture and selected Spinal Tumours and Thoracoscopic Spine Surgery for Scoliosis, fractures and tumours of spine are available.

  • Hand Surgery

    In conjunction with plastic surgery department, the department provides skin cover for de gloving injuries, reconstruction for tendon injuries, tendon grafts and tendon transfers. Primary and secondary nerve repairs are done routinely. A full-fledged upgraded physiotherapy department takes care of the rehabilitation of patients, if/when it is required