Department Hospital


Our Services


The Department of Microbiology at AMALA IMS aids the patients by putting into use the molecular methods in diagnosis and drug resistance in bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic infections, guiding the patients towards total healing.

The Department of Microbiology undertakes Academic activities as well as diagnostic laboratory work. Department of Microbiology is a multidisciplinary unit consisting of Molecular biology, Bacteriology, Immunology (mainly Serological test), Mycology and Mycobacteriology.

The Department is located on the 3rd floor of the Medical College block along with Molecular laboratory in its premises. The central diagnostic laboratory of the Department is located in the ground floor of the Chavara block.

Our Facilities

  • SERVICE LAB: Diagnostic Facilities
  • Bacteriology - Staining Methods, Gram's, Ziehl-Neelsen, Giemsa, etc. Also includes Culture of samples.
    Urine, Sputum, Secretions, Pus
    Body Fluids like CSF, Ascitic, Pleural, Synovial, etc.
    AFB culture for Pulmonary and Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis
    Blood Culture - Automated by BacT Alert
    Stock cultures kept

  • Mycology
  • Fungal staining and fungal culture for identification of fungal diseases. Stock cultures kept.

  • Virology
  • Diagnosis of viral diseases like Hepatitis A & E, Dengue, Chikungunya by serological methods.

  • Serology
  • ELISA - for antibody detection of viral diseases and Leptospira antibody,
    RPR & TPHA
    ASO - by Turbidometry.

  • Immunology
  • CRP by Turbidometry
    RA by Turbidometry
    C3 & C4 - by ELISA, ANA profile
    Ab against cyclic citrullinated peptides (ACCP) by ELISA

  • Parasitology
  • Stool Microscopic examination for parasitic ova, cyst and larva
    Blood smear examination for haematological parasites


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Dr Reena John

TCMC 16235
Professor & HOD
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Dr. Suseela K V

TCMC 16332
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Dr. Aiswariya Alex

TCMC 36018
Associate Professor
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Dr. Subi Das

TCMC 40521
Associate Professor
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Dr. Geethalakshmi V

TCMC 53355
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Maria Thomas

KSMC 98300
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Neethu Babu

Senior Resident
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Dr. Renji Francis N

Senior Resident
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Dr. Iswarya Babu P

Senior Resident

Our Services

  • Consultant Microbiologist

    The department has a dynamic group of Consultant Microbiologists who strive to provide timely and accurate reports to aid in patient care.

  • Laboratory

    Conventional diagnostic modalities have been incorporated along with state of the art automated equipments with latest technologies into the laboratory services.

    The Molecular Laboratory is accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) since August 2020, in COVID-19 RT-PCR (Open and Closed).  Around 20,000 samples in Bacteriology, 1800 samples in Mycology  and 20,000 samples in Serology are reported annually. The department participates in Kerala Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network organised by WHO, to ensure representative AMR data from Amala IMS, updated on a monthly basis using WHONET. The data of notifiable diseases are provided to IDSP.

  • Infection Control Activities

    The Department also plays a major role in the infection control activities of the hospital. Sterility check of blood bags, intravenous fluids and disinfectants are being continuously monitored. Active surveillance cultures for Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) units and ICUs and OT are conducted. HICC secretary and medical officer from the department are actively supervising the hospital infection control activities. The faculty also provide monthly training programs to all the hospital staff regarding robust infection control practices.  Infection surveillance data is used to measure success of infection prevention, and control programs and to identify areas of improvement. Continuous surveillance of infections for early detection of outbreak, for which appropriate control measures are undertaken.

    The Department of Microbiology participates in the external quality assurance programmes on a regular basis, namely :

    • Bacteriology cultures with Christian Medical College, Vellore.
    •  Serological tests with Christian Medical College, Vellore.