The Department of Paediatrics at AMALA IMS consists of a fully-dedicated team of experienced doctors, nurses and students who are well-trained to treat diseases, disorders and other medical conditions in neonates, children and adolescents. Striding towards the vision of the management of “complete healing”, our experts make every effort to ensure a home-like environment, providing the best medical attention to the children.
Undertakes teaching programme for Post Graduates (MD Paediatrics, DCH), MBBS and B.Sc. Nursing students. The Department conducts community camps, school health visits and adolescent classes for high schools, plus one and two students. National days and weeks are celebrated with special innovative programmes. Days like World Health Day, World Tuberculosis Day, World Hemophilia Day, World No Tobacco Day are observed and Health Education Classes are held for the public.
- Inpatient facilities for 60 patients with separate acute diarrheal disease ward.
- NICU – State-of-art Level III NICU with 14 beds, equipped with ventilators.
- PICU - State-of-art 8-bedded fully equipped PICU with ventilators.
- Child Development Clinic – We have a Fully equipped child rehabilitation Centre with all the facilities like physiotherapy occupational therapy behavioral therapy.
Specialty Clinics
All paediatric sub speciality clinics are conducted on weekly/ twice monthly / once monthly basis.
Name of the clinic | Weekdays |
Paediatric Cardiology |
Monday, Wednesday
10AM to 1PM |
Dr Sunil Menon |
Paediatric Nephrology |
1st & 3rd Tuesday
10AM TO 1PM |
Dr.Arun Ravi
Paediatric Endocrine |
2nd and 4th Thursday 10AM TO 1PM |
Dr Jessie
Paediatric Haematology |
1st and 3rd Thursday
10AM TO 1PM |
Dr Jeffy
Diarrhoea (Gastro) |
All days 10AM TO 1PM |
Pl and PII Unit
Paediatric Neurology and Developmental Paediatrics |
Monday to Friday
10AM TO 1PM |
Dr.Parvathi R. and Dr.Riya |
a.High risk b.Well baby
1st Wednesday of every month
Wednesday, Saturday 10AM TO 1PM |
Dr Sreenivasan and Dr Anila |
All days
10AM TO 1PM |
P1 and PII Unit |
Pediatric Asthma
10AM TO 1PM |
Dr Aparna |
Pediatric Dermatology |
10AM TO 1PM |
Dr Kalyani Pillai
Pediatric Rheumatology and Immunology Clinic |
All Tuesdays
10AM TO 1PM |
Dr Shiji Joseph
----------------- |
Almost 150-200 patients attend the OP which is conducted daily morning and evening. Treatment of infectious diseases and all other systemic diseases are undertaken. Nutrition advice is given to patients and parents attending the OP (OP Timing all working day 8am to 4pm).
For newborns, infants, children and adolescents.
casualty services. Supervised by Duty Medical Officer. Management of paediatric emergencies; Nebulisation to children with wheezing; Emergency medications given to sick children attending the OP. 24 hours Emergency Services is provided by the Paediatric consultant.
Undertakes teaching programme for Post Graduates (MD Paediatrics), MBBS and B.Sc. Nursing students.
The Department conducts community camps, school health visits, Health education to parents and adolescent classes for high schools, plus one and plus two students. National days and weeks are celebrated with special innovative programmes.
(Everyday between 5pm to 8pm) FOR BOOKING 04872304170
CME Details | Date of Conduct |
Name : World Young Rheumatic Diseases (WORD) day 2021 Theme/Subject : Update on Paediatric Rheumatology Credit Hours : 9.30 AM to 12.30PM |
2021 |
Name : CME On Paediatric Rheumatology Theme/Subject : Update On Paediatric Rheumatology |
2021 |
Name : Update on Paediatric Subspecialities Theme/Subject : Updating Current concepts in Paediatric Subspecialities Credit Hours : 8.00 AM - 3.00PM |
2019 |
Name : Update On Paediatric Subspecialties Theme/Subject : Updating On Current Concepts In Paediatric Subspecialities |
2019 |
Name : Interact With Experts Theme/Subject : Experts From Various Paediatric Sub Specialities. |
2018 |
Name of Workshop | Theme / Subject | Date of Conduct |
Advanced Neonatal Protocol Workshop | Advanced Neonatal Resuscitation Protocols Workshop | 2018 |
- Shisira Philip1, *Jessie Jose2, Kalyani Pillai3, Vadakkoottu Krishnan Parvathy4 Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2022; 51
- Dr. Tharun C Vasrghese, Dr. Kalyani Pillai and Dr. S Ramaraj, IJOS 2020; 6(4): 668-669 © 2020 IJOS
- Kalyani Pillai, Edwin Ros Sartho, Lekshmi T P, Parvathy V K Diagnosis And Assessment of Severity of Paediatric Pneumonia Using The Respiratory Index Of Severity (Risc) Scoring System
- Varghese T.C., Pillai K., Ramaraj S., Use of online survey tools to conduct online medical examination during lockdown time. Int.J.Med.Sci.Educ 2020;7(4):18-22
- Pillai K, Premarajan S,Parvathy VK. Platelet Indices as an Acute Phase Reactant. J Pediatr Crit Care 2019;6(2): 15-17.
- Kalyani Pillai ,Sandhya Acharya, Indian Journal Of Pediatric Dermatology 2010 vol12 no 1 :6-9
- Acharya S, Pillai K, Francis A, Criton S, Parvathi V K, Indian Journal of Dermatology 2010:55(3):281-3
- Pillai K, Pediatric Companion, Vol 8, Issue 2, September 2012. (review article)
- Kalyani Pillai, Sandhya Acharya Pediatric Oncall April 2010, Vol 7 Issue 4 Art No. 25
- Kalyani Pillai, Sandhya Acharya Indian Pediatrics Vol47 June 17 2010 540-1
- Sandhya A, Kalyani P ,Abel F : Indian journal of Pediatric dermatology 2009 Vol 12 no.11
- C.T. Deshmukh, U.B. Nadkarni, K. Nair, V.P. Gharpure, M.K. Jain and M.D. Shah Indian Pediatrics -February 1993, Vol. 30, Number 2
- Sheth SS, Gharpure V, Nair K, Nadkarni UB, Deshmukh CT, Desai AP, Jain MK, Shah MD.Indian Pediatr. 1992 Jun;29(6):766-9
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- Kalyani Pillai, Jalaludeen J, Vadakoot Krishnan Parvathy. Non-invasive assessment of volume status of children with edema due to steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome using urinary indices and inferior venacava ultrasonography. Asian J Med Sci [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 1 DOI: 10.3126/ajms.v14i1.48586
- Kalyani Pillai , Mohamed Rabeeh Effect of Second-hand smoke exposure on Pulmonary Function Test and predictors of abnormal PFT, in children attending a tertiary care center in a semiurban area in South India", International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research (www.ijsdr.org), ISSN:2455-2631, Vol.7, Issue 9, page no.100 - 104, September-2022,
- Leela SG, Sunilkumar MN, Subbiah R. A descriptive study on serum IgE and absolute eosinophil count in children with bronchial asthma attending the paediatric department of a medical college in central Kerala. J Evid Based Med Healthc 2021;8(33):3097-3103. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2021/564
- Sunilkumar MN. Perception of faculty members in clinical and surgical departments on Mini-CEX as an assessment tool for undergraduate students in a medical college in central Kerala. J Evid Based Med Healthc 2021;8(29):2661-2666. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2021/490
- SunilkumarMN ,Brindha S ,Antibiotic Resistance:The silent Pandemic !!! – How, Why, What can be done? , Paediatric companion Vol 17, Issue 1, February 2021:10-16.
- SunilkumarMN ,Brindha S ,Monoclonal Antibodies ,Paediatric companion Vol 16, Issue 3 , October 2020:25-29.
- Sunilkumar MN, Ajith TA, Parvathy VK "Clinical presentation, treatment and outcome of acute dettol poisoning in children" (Manuscript Number: IJCP-2016-05-154) has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics ,2016 Aug:3(3):1022-1025.
- Sunilkumar MN, Parvathy V.K, A study of accidental ingestion of hydrocarbons in children in a medical college hospital in central Kerala : Int J Pediatr Res 2016;3(5):295-301.
- Sunilkumar MN, Gayathrivarma N, Parvathy V.K, Assessment of renal parenchymal changes using isotope renography for genitourinary indications in pediatric age group-a study of 47 cases:Int J Pediatr Res 2016;3(4):231- 236
- Sunilkumar MN, Parvathy VK, Analysis of profile of childhood kerosene poisoning in a tertiary care medical college hospital: Int J Pediatr Res 2016;3(4):211-217.
- Sunilkumar MN, Parvathy VK. Analysis of profile of childhood poi¬soning in a tertiary care medical college hospital. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research 2016;3(2):507-510.
- Sunilkumar MN, Parvathy VK. Analysis of clinical profile of childhood bronchial asthma in the asthma clinic of a tertiary care medical college hospital. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research 2016;3(2):489-492.
- Sunilkumar MN , Gayathrivarma N ,Parvathy V.K, Heterotaxy syndrome in a preterm baby-A rare case report with review of literature -A case report, International Journal of Clinical Case Reports, 2015.Vol.5,No.42,1-5
- Sunilkumar MN , Ajith TA , Parvathy V.K, Acute Dapsone poisoning in a 3 year old child, World J Clin Cases.2015, October 16,3(10):911-914
- SunilkumarMN ,Parotid abscess in a seven year old child – A rare case report with review of literature. IAIM, 2015; 2 (5); 168-173
- Sasikumar,SunilkumarMN ,Divya S ,ExtrarenalNephroblastomain a 7 year old child – A rare case report with review of literature . IntJ ContempPediatr 2015 May; 2(2);155-158
- Sunilkumar MN,An Eight Month Old Male Child with Laurence – Moon- Bardet - Biedl Syndrome : A Case Report, Sch J Med Case Rep, 2015; 3(4): 292-295
- Sunilkumar MN,Single umbilical artery in a newborn, Significance and Review of literature, International Journal of Advances in Case Reports, 2015;2(8):521-523
- SunilkumarMN ,Unilateral simian crease in a 3 year old child – A case report . IAIM, 2015; 2 (4); 195-198
- Sunilkumar MN, Umbilical Hernia,Significance in Paediatrics-Case series with Review of literature, International Journal of Advances in Case Reports, 2015;2(8) :477-480
- Sunilkumar MN ,Bland-White-Garland syndrome in a neonate and review of literature .J Res Med Den Sci. 2015; 3(1),94-97
- Sunilkumar MN , Gayathrivarma N ,Parvathy V.K, Herpes Zoster Oticus in a 12 year old child and review of literature -A case report, International Journal of Clinical Case Reports, 2015;Vol.5,No.12,p 1-5.
- SunilkumarMN ,Pseudotumorcerebri in 11 months old child – A case report with review of literature. IAIM, 2015; 2 (1); 1-5.
- Sunilkumar MN , Parvathy V.K,Sail sign,significance in paediatrics and review of literature,J Res Med Den Sci. 2014 ;2(4):86-89
- Sunilkumar MN , Ajith TA , Parvathy V.K Acute ammonium dichromate poisoning in a 2 year old child, Indian J Crit Care Med 2014;18(11) :827-30.
- SunilkumarMN ,The Enigma of Simian Crease: Case series with literature review, IntJ ContempPediatr. 2014 Nov;1(3):175-177.
- Sunilkumar MN , Parvathy V.K, Benign occipital epilepsy of childhood -Panayiotopoulos syndrome- in a 3 year old child ,Int J Med Res Health Sci.2014;3(4):1039-1043.
- SunilkumarMN , Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists :Present concepts and significance in Paediatrics,Paediatric companion Vol 10, Issue 2, September 2014:10-11.
- Sunilkumar MN , Ajith TA, Kohler's disease of the tarsal navicular in a 7 years old child, Ann Paediatr Rheum 2014;3(3): 135-137.
- Sunilkumar MN ,Sasikumar, Gayathrivarma N ,Parvathy V.K, Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis in a 2 month Old Infant-Case Report, http://www.pediatriconcall.com/ journal ,Year : July-September 2014 | Volume : 11 | Issue : 3.
- SunilkumarMN ,Parvathy V.K, Tetanus trismus in a 2 year old child: Case report, Int J Med Res Health Sci.2014;3(3):766-769.
- Sunilkumar MN ,ParvathyV.K,Vasculitic skin lesions in dengue fever - Case series, J Res Med Den Sci. 2014; 2(2): 71-73.
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- Sunilkumar M N, Joshy S, A Study Of Intussusception In Children Admitted In A Medical College Hospital In Central Kerala., IOSR-JDMS, 23, ( 4) Ser. 3 (April. 2024), PP 56-61 .
- Ali. A, Sunilkumar MN, Association between Cord Blood Haematocrit and Neonatal Outcome among Neonates of Diabetic Mothers: A Cohort Study JCDR 2024 Jun, Vol-18(6): SC04-SC07 DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2024/69778.19544
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- John J, Unnikrishnan DT, Sunilkumar MN. Study on Screen Time and its Association with Behaviour in Children of Age Group 8-15 Years. Bioscene [Internet]. 2024 Jun [cited 2024 Aug 24];21(02):700–19.
- Mathew A, Brahmadathan MN, Parvathi R. Brain magnetic resonance imaging in developmentally delayed children- a cross sectional study. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2020;1053-1057.
- Sharath Babu MV, Parvathi R, Mini MV. Renal function and renal volume of children born with Very Low Birth Weight J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2020; 7 (31), 1541-1544.
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- Sangeetha. P S, Parvathi R and KK.Purushothaman. Psychosocial Burden on Primary Caregivers of Children with Down Syndrome Int. J. of Adv. Res.2017; 5 (3):1748-1753
- Deepthi S,Parvathi R,Purushothaman KK Neurological Subtypes of Cerebral Palsy and Functional Classification.jmscr 2017; 5(4):20306-20310
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- Joseph S, Mathews L, Vijayakumar M, An Observational Study of the Clinical Profile of Congenital Hypothyroidism in Children. Asian J. Med. Res. 2019; 8 (1): PE01-PE05
- Nitya US, Devassy BM, Joseph S, Anila AP, George R, Sreenivasan VK. Intrauterine onset of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in a neonate temporally associated with maternal COVID-19. Indian J Rheumatol 2022;17:289-93.
- Lukose R, Jose J, Subramanian AT. Vitamin - D levels in infants and young children in the Era of routine supplementation. J Evolution Med Dent Sci 2021;10(03):127- 131.
- Jose J, Lukose R, Athira T. Anaemia in under five children attending a tertiary hospital in central Kerala: A cross sectional study. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 2021; 8(5): 904-909.
- Riya Lukose, Shyamal Kumar, MKC Nair. Hypothermia - Mechanisms of Decreasing Cellular Injury Following Hypoxic -Ischemic Injury. Developmental Pediatrics Today. 2021 Feb;12-17.
- Shyamal K, Riya L, Nair MKC. Some Insight into Neuronal Damage in Perinatal Asphyxia. Pediatric Companion. 2021 June; 17(2): 7-9.
- Nair MKC, Riya Lukose, Shyamal K, Swapna S, Sajitha J. Intervention Package for Item Delay in Nursery Evaluation Scale Trivandrum (NEST-Abrdiged).Pediatric Companion. 2021 Jun;17(2): 13-16.
- Shyamal K, Lukose R, Nair MKC, Swapna S. COVID 19 Pandemic: health screening among young adults- a comparative study. Pediatric Companion 2021
- MKC Nair, Shyamal K, Riya L. Relationship Counselling. Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics; 2021;23(2):31.
- Nair MK, Kumar S, LukoseR, Girish CS, Binod D, Sreejith S. Self-counselling.Pediatr Companion 2022;1:16-20.
- Riya Lukose, Jessie Jose, Athira Thekkumpat Subramanian. Vitamin-D Levels in Infants and Young Children in the Era of Routine Supplementation. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences| January 2021 | Vol 10| Issue 3| Pages: 1- 3 | pISSN 2278- 4748
- Jessie Jose, Riya Lukose, Thekkumpat S. Athira. Anaemia in under five children attending a tertiary hospital in central Kerala: a cross sectional study. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | May 2021| Vol 8| Issue 5| Pages: 904-909 | pISSN 2349 - 3283