Anatomy, the branch of medicine that studies the structure and functions of the human body, is the backbone of medical education. The subject is fundamental for understanding other disciplines of medicine. Knowledge of Clinical Anatomy - Surgical Anatomy - Neuroanatomy - Embryology – Histology, is essential for understanding the various diseases and for diagnosing and managing them with subsequent medical or surgical procedures. The Department of Anatomy at Amala IMS was established in 2003. The Department takes pride in its well-stocked Library, well-equipped Histology Lab, state-of-the-art Museum, Dissection Hall and Research Lab. The department is well equipped with all the standard books with the latest editions, and all reputed National and International journals. All the laboratories and demo rooms are equipped with audiovisual aids.
Apart from imparting medical education to undergraduate students of various Medical, and Para-Medical courses, the Department offers training programs and surgical workshops for postgraduate students of various surgical specialties. The department has highly qualified and experienced faculty (1 professor, 1 Associate Professor, 4 Assistant Professors) and well-trained support staff, competent to teach undergraduate students as per the latest CBME-developed guidelines (implemented by MCI). The department trains undergraduate and postgraduate students in all fields of Human Anatomy using traditional as well as innovative methods. The well-equipped research facility is utilized for research in Histology, Embryology, and gross Anatomy. The facilities available in the department meet all the requirements of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and learning as per the Medical Council of India.
Anatomy Museum
The Anatomy Department has a progressive Museum exhibiting various types of anatomical and embryological specimens. Specimens of various animals are also available for comparative study. The museum displays 300 specimens, 50 models in Gross Anatomy, 85 models in Embryology, 4 fully articulated skeletons and 200 Osteology specimens.
Dissection Hall
The dissection hall is well equipped to accommodate 100 students, with metallic dissection tables of required sizes, adequate lighting, drainage facilities, adequate space for the display of dissected specimens, models, radiographs and bones and a separate hand washing area for students. It consists a total of 445 dissected wet specimens, 20 sets of disarticulated bones, 10 charts and 300 radio-graphs, CT & MRI scans for training procedure.
Embalming Room
The embalming room is equipped with two modern embalming machines. Three storage tanks each with a capacity of twenty cadavers make it possible to store sixty cadavers in total. The room is equipped with cold storage/ freezer capacities of two in each chamber (a total of 8). The room has a motor band-saw for taking sections of the human body in the required plane as per the requirement of training.
Body Donation Program
Voluntary Body Donation is a programme wherein the general population can will their bodies to serve the purpose of medical education and scientific research. Amala Institute of Medical Sciences is authorized by the state government to accept such donations, where they will be used solely for research or training of students. Embalming of the donated bodies is performed in the Department. Body donation is governed by the Anatomy Act, 1949 - “An Act to provide for the supply of unclaimed bodies of deceased persons (or donated bodies or any part thereof of deceased persons) to hospitals and medical and teaching institutions for anatomical examination and dissection and other similar purposes.”
CME Details | Date of Conduct |
Name : MUSETECQ 2024-Preserving the past for the future Theme/Subject : National CME & Hands on workshop on Museum Techniques and Digital embalming Credit Hours : 2 News Link : അമല മെഡിക്കൽ കോളേജിൽ നാഷണൽ വർക്ക്ഷോപ്പ്: മ്യൂസിയം ടെക്നിക്സും ഡിജിറ്റൽ എംബാൽമിംഗും ചർച്ച ചെയ്തു |
2024 |
Name : 68th National Conference of Anatomical Society of India - King George Medical University, Lucknow, UP Theme/Subject : |
2022 |
Name : NATCON 68: Pre-Conference Workshop Theme/Subject : Overview of In-vitro Fertilization: Focus on Male Infertility |
2022 |
Name : International Workshop of Anatomy IWA-2021 - TMU Moradabad Theme/Subject : Evolving Trends in Anatomy : A Global Perspective |
2021 |
Name : 4. 66th National Conference of Anatomical Society of India - All India Institute of Medical Sciences , Rishikesh Theme/Subject : |
2018 |
Name : NATCON 66: Pre-Conference Workshop Theme/Subject : Recent Advances in Infertility |
2018 |
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